Discover Yann T Aguirre Design, Modeling & CGI Work

YTA-Design Andorra
Ongoing Design Projects
This recent period was a very unique opportunity to move forward with so called "side personal projects".
Those Projects were for years in back of my mind or running after work but kept unfinished by the uninterrupted consulting jobs for various top customers, since 2004, among Europe and Japan.

YTA-Design Andorra
Latest achievement
The Mazda Cx30 is a well born Japanese car, with a very special and nice feline look. However, from day 1, I had a mitigate taste about the wheel arches and the side design.
Therefore, when I decided to bought one as my daily car, that was with a firm intention to do something about the it, and I had the feeling that it didn't needed that much to change to get a better standing balance and finally give to the Cx30 a right Tomcat look !

YTA-Design Andorra
YTA 1994-2024 Portfolio
I had a very special way to enter the design word... Creative, gifted in drawing, visualizing the volumes well, very comfortable with mechanics and science, but very impatient with results, and without much Artistic classic culture, my Art & Design studies were complicated... until I discovered 3D computer graphics (...)

YTA-Design is the legal name of Yann T Aguirre's Design Business based in the Principality of Andorra, since fiscal year 2020.
Before the Business was registered in France.

YTA-Design by Numbers
Years of Experience
End Customers
Countries visited